Star Trek Online Calendar of Events

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Season 9: A New Accord is live!

Star Trek Online's Season 9: A New Accord is now live! There is a huge list of updates in this new season, including a new custom kit system, a revamped trait system, a new reputation system, a new Earth Spacedock interior map, a new featured episode and new queued mission events and more!

See more details about Season 9 at the devblog here.

For full patch notes after the jump or read here:

Thursday, April 3, 2014

First Contact Day Event Live!

From now until April 7 10am Pacific Time, Star Trek Online is celebrating First Contact Day for the Federation, Day of Honor for the Klingon Empire, and new this year for the Romulan Republic, Republic Day!

See your faction's flagship captains to take part:

Federation Captains should visit Captain Shon aboard the Enterprise-F to meet the crew and receive a Phoenix replica representing Earth's first warp-capable spacecraft!

Onboard the Klingon flagship Botasqu', Captain Koren will have a task for you to complete for the Klingon Day of Honor. Your reward for this will be a special Tritanium Rending Bat'leth!

Romulan players will want to visit Commander Tiaru Jarok aboard the Republic flagship Lleiset. Upon completing the task there, you'll be rewarded with a nanov non-combat pet!

Find out more information about this event from the STO devblog here.