Star Trek Online Calendar of Events

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

TRIBBLE Event: "No Win Scenario"

Upcoming on the STO General Calendar are 2 timeslots on May 31 for a special TRIBBLE test server event for some of the new upcoming content for Star Trek Online! Get a top-level character copied of to the public test shard to take part!

From Community Manager PWE_Branflakes on the Star Trek Online forums:
"Hi Captains!

I am organizing an in-game (Tribble) Community "No Win Scenario" Event for this coming Thursday. This event will be held on the Tribble test server, so please make sure you have patched up and transfered a level 50 character over to it before the event begins. To sign up for Tribble, sign into the STO website, and visit this link:

The first timeslot will be at 9pm BST/ 1pm PDT/ 4pm EDT.

The second timeslot will be at 5pm PDT/ 8pm EDT/ 1am BST.

Let's plan to meet in orbit of Drozana station. From there, we'll queue up for "No Win Scenario". Feel free to attend with a character on either faction. We'll try and do as many matches as possible, including a mix of space and ground, for one full hour. Please join the REDALERT channel to see any communication/ instructions from myself. Once the event starts, we will be using the TTS channel. You can join TTS by typing this command into your chat bar: /channel_join TTS

If you can't make it Thursday, I would like to try and do these often, and on different days/ times. Feel free to post constructive feedback in this thread with ideas, including if you would like to see this expanded to other types of events (STFs, Fleet Actions, PvP, PvE etc.).

Hope to see many of you Thursday!


Brandon =/\="
EDIT: These events have been changed to June 1st at the same timeslots. The STO General Calendar has been updated accordingly.

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