Star Trek Online Calendar of Events

Thursday, December 6, 2012

December Super Update

Star Trek Online has a pretty regular update system. Almost all major updates happen on Tuesdays or Thursdays, in various cycles. Sometimes, those updates align all at once and drop on us like an avalanche. Today is one of those days! Q's Winter Wonderland Event, Featured Episode Reruns, Season 7 TRIBBLE test rewards, a new Fleet Embassy Special Project (as well as a Fleet Starbase special project related to the winter event) have all been released today, and this weekend there's going to be a community event too!

Q's Winter Wonderland event

First up for discussion is Q's Winter Wonderland. Q has returned, bringing his winter wonderland from last year back again! Only now there are more festivities to be had! In addition to the daily ice skating race from last year, we now have a new "Fast and the Flurrious" competitive ice-racing course to run, where you can race against other players! This race is available 4 times per hour, and completing this race gets you a pair of [Snow Epohh Tag] used for a Duty Officer Assignment to breed new special varieties of Epohh pets! Placing 1st, 2nd, or 3rd in this race will earn you additional tags!

Even with the old NPC-racing track there is something new: Completing this daily race will get you 40 [Autographed 8×10 Glossy Pictures of Q]  While pretty invaluable themselves, if you collect 1000 of these autographed photos before the end of Q's Winter Wonderland event (that's 25 out of 35+ days), there is a Ferengi that will take those off your hands in exchange for a Breen Chell Grett Warship! More info on this Breen Warship can be found here.

And that's not all! With the return of Q's Winter Wonderland, holiday-themed Duty Officer Assignments have returned too. These offer holiday themed items that can be used to get the same items offered last year, in addition to new costume pieces like new scarves and new Winter Jackets! These Jackets come in 3 lengths (long, short, midriff) and in 3 colors each (black, brown, and white), available for both Federation and KDF players!

Q's Winter Wonderland event will be running from today until Jan 14, 2013. For more information about this event, click here.

Community Winter Wonderland Holiday Party

PWEBranflakes is also going to be hosting a Community Holiday Party on Saturday, January 8 at noon PST (8pm GMT) and 5pm PST (1am GMT). More information about this community event can be found here.

Featured Episode Reruns

In addition to the winter holiday event, Star Trek Online is also having a Featured Episode Rerun event running at the same time (Dec. 6, 2012 - Jan. 14, 2013). This means you can run missions from the Featured Episode Series ("Spectres", "Cloaked Intentions", "The 2800", and "Cold War") and receive the special limited availability items as if the episodes were in current running! More information about this event and the rewards available can be found here.

Embassy Featured Project #2: "Belongs in a Museum"

We also have available starting today until Dec. 19th, a new Featured Project for Fleet Embassy Outposts: "Belongs in a Museum". Completion of this project will bring in some assorted relics and other artifacts from the people of New Romulus as well as artifacts found from exploring New Romulus. More information about this featured project can be found here.

TRIBBLE Season 7 Test Reward: Mol'Rihan Tribble

For those of you who spent time on the TRIBBLE test shard during the Season 7 TRIBBLE Test Weekend, the reward is now available! This [Mol'Rihan Tribble] will give you a Romulan Mark each time you pet it (once per hour) as well as provide plasma resistance! To claim your reward in-game, open the C-Store interface and look under the "Items" tab.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

STO Season 7: New Romulus

Season 7: New Romulus is here! You can read the patch notes on the forums, but as you may infer from the title, it has a great deal to do with Romulans! There's a new sector block filled with new content to explore, a new Borg STF (The Hive), new reputation systems for Task Force Omega (Borg STFs) and the Romulan Star Empire, a new Fleet Embassy Outpost holding for your fleet(s), a new Adventure Zone on the planet Mol'Rihan (New Romulus), and several new PVE-queue events.

Additionally, there are some scheduling changes to be made to the hourly events, so the hourly calendar may be off a bit while we get more information on how the schedules are changing. I will update again when the changes to the calendar are complete.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Dancing and Dabo Social Party!

Hello STO fans!

Just a reminder that today, 8/15/2012, PWEBranflakes is hosting a "Dancing and Dabo" social party over at Quarks on DS9!

From PWEBranflakes on the STO forums:
Hi Captains!

I am organizing an in-game (Holodeck) Dancing and Dabo Social Party for this coming Wednesday.

The first timeslot will be at 8pm BST/ noon PDT/ 3pm EDT. (Click here to view in your timezone)

The second timeslot will be at 5pm PDT/ 8pm EDT/ 1am BST. (Click here to view in your timezone)

Make your way to Quark's Bar in Deep Space 9 then and get ready to dance and Dabo the night away! Please join the PartyTime chat channel to see any communication from myself. Type this command in your chat bar to join the channel: /channel_join PartyTime

If you can't make it Wednesday, I would like to try and do these often, and on different days/ times. Feel free to post constructive feedback in here with ideas, including if you would like to see this expanded to other types of events (STFs, PvP, PvE, Fleet Actions etc.).

I hope to see many of you on Wednesday!


Brandon =/\=

Monday, July 30, 2012

In-game scheduling cycles discovered!

Good news everyone!

This past weekend we finally saw enough of a repeat of Star Trek Online's Season 6 in-game hourly events to determine that the daily schedule of events repeats every 2 weeks, resetting every other Monday (at 0000 Pacific Time).

As such, I've set the events to recycle at the appropriate times, so now the weekly calendar is completely filled out.

Another important note: As of the 7/27/2012 HOLODECK patch, the Defera Borg Ground Invasion is no longer a time-gated event, and is available 24/7 now. As such, this event has been removed from the STO Group Events calendar.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Season 6: Under Siege updates and schedule changes

Greeting SubSpace Agenda readers!

This week we've got some major updates with the Season 6: Under Siege launch yesterday. We've got Fleet Starbases, Invading Tholians, No-Win Scenarios and so much more!

Along with this, we also have some new scheduling to accomodate the new content. Existing events such as the Starfleet and Klingon Academy events and the Mirror Universe Incursions are now merged so that they occur at the same time for both factions. The Vault and Defera Invasion events seem to be available more often as well (with the Defera Invasion overlapping the more regularly scheduled events). Please excuse the irregularity of these calendars while we adjust to the new schedules.

In addition, I'm adding a new calendar to the list. The STO Fleet Events calendar will be used for any scheduled event where the primary benefit is a bonus amount of Fleet Marks (to be used with the new Fleet Projects system).

What are your thoughts on this? Too many calendars? Should the Fleet Events Calendar be merged with the STO Group Events calendar (since most of the events that gain the benefits of Fleet Marks also require a group)? Or is this a different enough type of event to warrant a new calendar? Post below!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Mid-week Mega update!

Phew! It's been a busy past few days for Star Trek Online!

If the all the recent news surrounding the release of information regarding the new Fleet Starbase and Fleet Progression system hasn't kept us busy, we've also got the June Ask Cryptic, a new Account Guard security system to test on the REDSHIRT test shard, as well as a new account-shared bank feature going live to the HOLODECK server tomorrow!

But that's not all!

Yesterday, Lifetime Subscriptions for STO went on sale for $199.99 (reg. price $299.99) until the end of the month, and in community news, voting has begun for for Foundry Challenge #3: Holodeck Hypocrisy!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Calendar Reformat!

Greetings, Subspace Agenda readers!

You may have noticed some changes to the calendar format on the website. I've merged some calendars, while splitting up some other calendars as well. Hopefully this will make things easier to sort out via the pulldown menu on the top right of the calendar. Here's a brief explanation of the new setup:

  • STO General Calendar: This calendar contains the General Events going on in-game such as Featured Episodes, HOLODECK and TRIBBLE (and possibly REDSHIRT) server updates, as well as updates to the C-Store.
  • STO Community Events: These are the various in-game community events and community-based announcements
  • STO Group Events: These are the various events based around group activity (5-players & up), such as STFs, Defera Borg Invasions, Mirror Universe Incursions, and The Vault event.
  • STO Dilithium Gathering Events: These are events where the primary reward is Dilithium, or a bonus amount of Dilithium. This includes but is not limited to the Academy Events, the Dilithium Mining Event, and Foundry Officer Reports.
  • STO Miscellaneous Events: These are events that can't be classified into any of the other categories.
You may have also noticed that the new default view is now the weekly calendar. Don't worry, there are still Monthly and Daily Agenda views to choose from. While the hours shown on the left side are set to Pacific Time, I have reports that the red time marker line still shows in the correct live time no matter where you're viewing this calendar from.

At any rate, I hope this new setup is more useful, and if you have any ideas on how to make Subspace Agenda a better experience for your Star Trek Online calendar needs,  please feel free to make a comment below!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

TRIBBLE Event: "No Win Scenario"

Upcoming on the STO General Calendar are 2 timeslots on May 31 for a special TRIBBLE test server event for some of the new upcoming content for Star Trek Online! Get a top-level character copied of to the public test shard to take part!

From Community Manager PWE_Branflakes on the Star Trek Online forums:
"Hi Captains!

I am organizing an in-game (Tribble) Community "No Win Scenario" Event for this coming Thursday. This event will be held on the Tribble test server, so please make sure you have patched up and transfered a level 50 character over to it before the event begins. To sign up for Tribble, sign into the STO website, and visit this link:

The first timeslot will be at 9pm BST/ 1pm PDT/ 4pm EDT.

The second timeslot will be at 5pm PDT/ 8pm EDT/ 1am BST.

Let's plan to meet in orbit of Drozana station. From there, we'll queue up for "No Win Scenario". Feel free to attend with a character on either faction. We'll try and do as many matches as possible, including a mix of space and ground, for one full hour. Please join the REDALERT channel to see any communication/ instructions from myself. Once the event starts, we will be using the TTS channel. You can join TTS by typing this command into your chat bar: /channel_join TTS

If you can't make it Thursday, I would like to try and do these often, and on different days/ times. Feel free to post constructive feedback in this thread with ideas, including if you would like to see this expanded to other types of events (STFs, Fleet Actions, PvP, PvE etc.).

Hope to see many of you Thursday!


Brandon =/\="
EDIT: These events have been changed to June 1st at the same timeslots. The STO General Calendar has been updated accordingly.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Featured Series Rerun Extension

Greetings, STO players! It appears the last Featured Series Rerun for this month, "Cold War", is getting a week long extension due to a technical issue. The STO In-Game Calendar has been adjusted accordingly.

From Community Manager PWE_Branflakes on the Star Trek Online forums:
"Hi Captains,

There is currently an issue for some KDF players not receiving correct replay rewards for Cold Storage. We are working on a resolution for this, and will be extending the Breen series replay event by a week for all players.


Brandon =/\="

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

STF Community Event: Khitomer Accord

The STO General Calendar has been updated with two timeslots on May 23 for the community events headed up by PWE_Branflakes.

From PWE_Branflakes on the STO forums:
Hi Captains!

I am organizing an in-game (Holodeck) STF event for this coming Wednesday. It also corresponds to the in-game event that is on the in-game calendar -- successful completion of Khitomer Accord during this time will earn you more Encrypted Data Chips and Dilithium.

The first timeslot will be at 8pm BST/ noon PDT/ 3pm EDT.

The second timeslot will be at 5pm PDT/ 8pm EDT/ 1am BST.

Let's plan to meet on Deep Space Nine, on the second floor of the Promenade. From there, we'll queue up for private and/ or public games. Feel free to come in whichever ship/ class you would like, on either faction (minimum level requirement is 50). We will do a ground run, and then a space run if time permits (I think it will). Please join the REDALERT channel to see any communication/ instructions from myself.

Due to the STFs having some strategic elements to it, I suggest taking a look at some of these resources (we will be running on Normal and Elite):
Elite version guide:

Also, I am looking for players who feel that they could lead a group of 4 other players through the mission. If you are willing and able, please make a post below letting me know you would like to lead a group (including normal or elite) and what timeslot you are available for.

If you can't make it Wednesday, I would like to try and do these often, and on different days/ times. Feel free to post constructive feedback in here with ideas, including if you would like to see this expanded to other types of events (PvP, Fleet Actions etc.).

Hope to see many of you Wednesday!


Brandon =/\=

Sunday, May 20, 2012

SubSpace Agenda is live!

Welcome to SubSpace Agenda! The purpose of this site is primarily to serve the community of Star Trek Online with a means to learn about the various events happening within and around the game.

You should be seeing a large calendar directly above this post, showing a schedule of events for Star Trek Online. You can select Weekly, Monthly, and Agenda views, as well as filter through the types of information you want to see.

There are three calendars available in this current iteration:
  • STO General Calendar: This should show general community events as well as game updates for Star Trek Online.
  • STO In-Game Calendar: This will show various regularly scheduled in-game events, such as Special Task Force (STF) events, as well as Borg ground invasions, etc.
  • STO hourly calendar: This will show the various hourly events as seen in the event viewer in your in-game journal (J).

 This site is pretty basic right now, but it should be getting some updates soon, including a possible reformat of the calendars. Stay tuned!